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|-- Payroll
|-- Child Development
|-- Child Development Director's Certificate
|-- Child Development Infant Toddler
|-- Hospitality and Event Management
|-- Law Enforcement Procedures
|-- Occupational Skills
|-- Organizational Leadership
|-- Physical Therapist Aide
|-- Social Services Assistant
Associates Degrees
|-- Business Administration
|-- Child Development (AD)
|-- Computer Information Systems
|-- Criminal Justice
|-- Exercise Science and Personal Training
|-- Health, Physical Education & Recreation
|-- History, Political Science, & Pre-Law
|-- Pre-Elementary Education
|-- Socology Psychology
|-- Allied Health
|-- Biological and Pre-Professional Sciences
|-- Enterprise Development
|-- Mathematics, Physical Sciences, & Pre-Engineering
|-- Computer Technology
|-- Cybersecurity
|-- Nursing
|-- Occupational Health & Safety
|-- Physical Therapist Assistant
|-- Applied Technology, Business Services Option
|-- Applied Technology, Culinary Arts Option
|-- Applied Technology, Health Sciences Option
|-- Applied Technology, Naval Services Option
|-- Applied Technology, Public Safety Option
|-- Applied Technology, Technical Occupations Option
Bachelor's Degrees
|-- Accounting, B.B.A.
|-- American Indian Studies, B.A.
|-- Applied Physics, B.S.
|-- Art Education, B.A.Ed.
|-- Art, B.F.A.
|-- Business Administration, B.B.A.
|-- Cell and Molecular Biology, B.S.
|-- Chemistry, B.S.
|-- Cherokee Cultural Studies, B.A.
|-- Cherokee Education, B.A.Ed.
|-- Communication Studies, B.A.
|-- Computer Science, B.S.
|-- Creative Writing, B.A
|-- Criminal Justice, B.S.
|-- Cyber Security, B.S.
|-- Drama, B.A.
|-- Early Childhood Education, B.S.Ed.
|-- Elementary Education, B.S.Ed.
|-- English Education, B.A.Ed.
|-- English, B.A.
|-- Environmental, Health and Safety Management, B.S.
|-- Finance, B.B.A.
|-- General Studies, B.G.S.
|-- Geography, B.A.
|-- Health and Human Performance, B.S.
|-- Health and Physical Education, B.S.Ed.
|-- Health Organizations Administration, B.B.A.
|-- History, B.A.
|-- Homeland Security, B.S.
|-- Hospitality and Tourism Management, B.B.A.
|-- Information Systems, B.B.A.
|-- Integrative Biology, B.S.
|-- International Business Management, B.B.A.
|-- Legal Studies, B.S.
|-- Management, B.B.A.
|-- Marketing, B.B.A.
|-- Mathematics Education, B.S.Ed.
|-- Mathematics, B.S.
|-- Media Studies B.A.
|-- Medical Laboratory Science, B.S.
|-- Music Education, B.M.E.
|-- Music, B.A.
|-- Nursing, B.S.N.
|-- Nutritional Sciences, B.S.
|-- Organizational Leadership, B.S.
|-- Political Science, B.A.
|-- Psychology, B.S.
|-- Science Education, B.S.Ed.
|-- Secondary Education
|-- Social Studies Education, B.A.Ed.
|-- Social Work, B.S.W.
|-- Sociology, B.A.
|-- Spanish Education, B.A.Ed.
|-- Spanish, B.A.
|-- Special Education - Mild/Moderate Disorders, B.S.Ed.
|-- Speech-Language Pathology, B.S.
|-- Supply Chain Management, B.B.A.
|-- Technology, B.T.
Master's Degrees
|-- Accounting & Financial analysis, M.S.
|-- American Studies, M.A.
|-- Business Administration, M.B.A.
|-- Communication Arts, M.A.
|-- Counseling, M.S.
|-- Criminal Justice, M.S.
|-- Early Childhood Education, M.ED.
|-- English, M.A.
|-- Health & Sports Science, M.S.
|-- Leadership, M.S.
|-- Instructional Leadership, M.ED.
|-- Library Media & Information Technology, M.S.
|-- Mathematics Education, M.ED.
|-- Natural Sciences, M.S.
|-- Nursing, M.S.N.
|-- Occupational Therapy, M.S.
|-- Physician Assistant Studies
|-- Public Health, MPH
|-- Reading, M.ED.
|-- School Administration, M.ED.
|-- Science Education, M.ED.
|-- Social Work, M.S.W.
|-- Special Education-Autism Spectrum Disorders, M.ED.
Speech-Language Pathology, M.S.
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